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Southwell Minster

Main Contractor: E. Bowman & Sons


Programme: 35 weeks


Said by many to be the best kept secret among the forty two English cathedrals, The Cathedral and Parish Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is popularly known as “Southwell Minster.”  Although Christian worship has taken place on this site for over 1,000 years, the Romanesque building celebrated its commencement in 2008. For this anniversary, we were tasked with providing the scaffolding in preparation for major repairs to its central tower. 

The scaffolding encompassed the 110ft central tower, to enable a temporary roof system being placed over it, allowing work in all conditions. The tower repairs included masonary, glazing, replacing a flagpole and a new lead roof to the square tower which dates from the 12th Century. Additional general maintenance took place whilst the scaffolding was in place including renewing rainwater chutes, providing a new lightning conductor and updating pigeon deterrents. 

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